1688 vs Alibaba: The truth about 1688 and Alibaba

What is 1688?

1688 is a popular online marketplace in China, similar to Alibaba. It is owned by Alibaba Group and is primarily used by Chinese suppliers to connect with buyers within China and around the world. While Alibaba.com focuses on international trade, 1688.com caters specifically to the domestic market in China.

With millions of products listed across various categories, 1688 offers a wide range of options for buyers looking to source products from China. It is particularly popular among small and medium-sized businesses due to its competitive prices and vast supplier network.

1688.com website

1688 vs Alibaba

When comparing 1688 and Alibaba, there are several key differences that buyers should be aware of:

Language Barrier

One of the main challenges buyers face when using 1688 is the language barrier. The website is primarily in Chinese, which can make it difficult for non-Chinese speakers to navigate and communicate with suppliers. However, there are translation tools and services available that can help overcome this barrier.

Quality Standards

While both 1688 and Alibaba have suppliers that offer a wide range of products, the quality standards can vary. It is important for buyers to thoroughly research and vet suppliers to ensure they meet their specific quality requirements. Reading product reviews and requesting samples can help assess the quality of products before making a purchase.

Export License

Unlike Alibaba, which primarily caters to international buyers, 1688 focuses on the domestic market in China. This means that suppliers on 1688 may not always have the necessary export licenses or experience in exporting products. Buyers should clarify this with suppliers before placing an order to avoid any potential issues with shipping and customs clearance.


1688 primarily uses Alipay, a popular online payment platform in China, for transactions. However, Alipay may not be easily accessible to international buyers. It is important to discuss payment options with the supplier and find a mutually agreed-upon method that is secure and convenient for both parties.


Building a strong relationship with suppliers is crucial when using 1688. Since the website is primarily in Chinese, effective communication and establishing trust can be key to successful transactions. Developing a good working relationship with suppliers can help ensure smoother transactions and better customer service.


One of the main advantages of using 1688 is the competitive pricing. Since it is a domestic marketplace, buyers can often find products at lower prices compared to Alibaba. However, it is important to consider other factors such as quality, shipping costs, and import duties when comparing prices.

Minimum Order Quantities (MOQs)

Minimum order quantities (MOQs) on Alibaba and 1688 vary considerably, depending on the product and target market. Alibaba is well known for requiring higher MOQs that often reach hundreds or even thousands of units for low-priced goods – this is because international buyers tend to order in larger volumes than domestic Chinese buyers do; 1688 however offers much smaller or no MOQ requirements, making it suitable for small sellers or anyone launching an online selling business aimed at domestic Chinese markets where buyers tend to order smaller quantities; therefore different target markets lead to varied MOQ requirements as well as target markets lead to various MOQ requirements as well.

How to Order from 1688?

Ordering from 1688.com involves several steps and requires understanding the payment methods available – this is particularly important for international buyers without access to Alipay or Chinese bank accounts. Here is a comprehensive guide on how to order from 1688.com:

1. Establish an Account

To shop at 1688.com, the first step is registering an account – this involves providing personal details as well as providing official ID from one of Southeast Asia countries eligible to make payments directly on our platform. Without one, payments would need to be processed manually before being accepted by 1688.com.

2. Selecting Products

Once your account has been activated, you can browse our vast marketplace to select products for purchase. Items can either be added directly into your cart or saved for later. Throughout our extensive database there is always something new waiting to be discovered by you.

3. Placing an Order

Its After selecting the items you would like, the next step is placing an order. If you’re ready to buy immediately, click “Order Now” for direct payment page access; or add items to your “Receipt” and use “Purchase Order” on our homepage for purchase order payments.

4. Payment Methods

1688.com for International Buyers As an international buyer, paying on 1688.com can be challenging due to restrictions on direct payments. Luckily, there are various payment methods that make transactions simpler:
Communicate With Suppliers for Offline Ordering: You can directly connect with suppliers on 1688 and arrange payment through bank transfers or similar methods. Please be aware that international shipping requires English proficiency as well.
Friends or Agents: 1688 agents may assist in making purchases on your behalf for a commission fee; this method may prove particularly effective for customers who purchase frequently from 1688.
Third-Party Payment Services: Wise, WorldFirst or Payoneer are third-party payment services which enable businesses to make payments to suppliers on 1688 without Alipay. Often this method is employed when placing large orders.
1688.com Agents: For those who prefer an easier experience, using a 1688.com agent may make purchasing easier. Agents accept various payment methods including PayPal and can manage all aspects of purchasing for you from start to finish, from selection of goods through delivery.

5. Shipping and Fulfilment

Upon payment, either your supplier or an agent will arrange the shipment of products. They can inspect them to make sure they meet your specifications prior to shipping; or inspect before packing for you with their own truck and driver if you prefer this route.


Ordering from 1688.com as an international buyer entails navigating registration, product selection and payment processes efficiently. Although direct payment options may be limited, utilizing agents or third-party payment services can facilitate transactions more smoothly. Be sure to communicate openly with suppliers or agents as well as understand terms for shipping in order to have a pleasant purchasing experience.

Understanding the Importance of Purchasing Agents and Their Roles

It’s crucial to grasp the significance of purchasing agents because they wield significant influence over your business dealings with suppliers in China. Establishing relationships with manufacturers on platforms like 1688 can be challenging since they primarily cater to the domestic market and lack support for English communication. When issues arise, such as delays or errors with your goods, it can be difficult to resolve them directly with suppliers on 1688 without assistance. Having a purchasing agent liaising with the suppliers can greatly facilitate problem-solving.

Before arranging your procurement of Chinese products, ensure you’re partnering with a trustworthy China sourcing agent, such as MOOFSOURCING. We provide a one-stop solution for small to medium wholesale clients through our sourcing services. Our procurement offerings provide peace of mind, saving you both time and money. Contact us at info@moofsourcing.com immediately to learn more.


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